* Analysis and determination of national, provincial and municipal taxes.
* Tax planning for individuals and companies.
* Tax defense in case of inspections.
* Analysis and determination of advances, deductions, etc.
* Appeals and presentations before tax authorities.
* Advice regarding and drawing up of special tax payment terms.
* Special analysis for business reorganizations, restructuring of operations and debts or investment projects.
* Drawing up of financial statements.
* Accounting organization of profit or non-profit private entities.
* Analysis and projections of financial statements.
* Financial statements audits.
* Accounting reports and certifications.
* Projected results.
* Inspections advice.
* Appeals and procedures before tax authorities.
* Bookkeeping and accounts ratification.
* Expert accounting reports.
* Advice on expert accounting reports.
* Ex parte and court-appointed expert in labour, commercial and criminal /correctional law.
* Advise on labour, criminal and administrative matters.
* Management of health service companies.
* Management of property owners' committees and real estate trusts.
* Issue of financial reports (budgets, cash flow, etc).
* Administrative reorganization.
* Standard or custom made reports.
* Analysis of investment projects.
* Analysis of profitability.